February 16, 2011

Stencil Chic

Every so often I find a creative and stunning idea or project that is so relatable and easy to do. These fantastic stencil mirrors just happen to be one of them! 

I found this awesome idea on the ELLE Decorations website and what makes it even more exciting is that the stencils were included in the original article. I have added them at the bottom of the article for you to download. 

This project doesn't take much and is quite cost effective. You can easily spice up your bathroom cabinet and add a fresh look to that old boring wall! You can even do the same above your dresser - it will be just as effective!

There are two different ways to do stencils, but I personally choose to paint onto a wall instead of using stencil paper. Firstly, download the stencils and print them out to size. You can change the size according to your specific need. Once printed, cut the stencils out and trace these onto the wall. Use very light markings as the markings are sometimes difficult to get rid of. Once you've chosen your colour of paint, use a very thin artist brush and start colouring in working very carefully and neatly! Lastly, choose 3 types of similar looking mirrors, and hang them onto the stenciled mirror! 

Click Below To Download:

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